Bahá’í Community of Indianapolis

Bahá’í Community of Indianapolis

The Earth is But One Country and Mankind its Citizens — Bahá’u’lláh

Universal House of Justics addesses Baha'i World with Naw-Rúz Message

Naw-Rúz 2020
Naw-Rúz 2020


Indianapolis, IN

The Universal House of Justice, has addressed the entire world with a special message at Naw-Ruz, offering hope and guidance at this time of the Coronavirus worldwide pandemic.  Three brief excerpts of the message are below:

"At a time of another crisis, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá offered these words of counsel: 'In a day such as this, when the tempests of trials and tribulations have encompassed the world, and fear and trembling have agitated the planet, ye must rise above the horizon of firmness and steadfastness with illumined faces and radiant brows in such wise that, God willing, the gloom of fear and consternation may be entirely obliterated, and the light of assurance may dawn above the manifest horizon and shine resplendently.' The world stands more and more in need of the hope and the strength of spirit that faith imparts."

"Though having to adapt to new circumstances, the believers have used creative means to strengthen bonds of friendship, and to foster among themselves and those known to them spiritual consciousness and qualities of tranquillity, confidence, and reliance on God."

"However difficult matters are at present, and however close to the limits of their endurance some sections of societies are brought, humanity will ultimately pass through this ordeal, and it will emerge on the other side with greater insight and with a deeper appreciation of its inherent oneness and interdependence."

Access the entire message here.