Bahá’í Community of Indianapolis

Bahá’í Community of Indianapolis

The Earth is But One Country and Mankind its Citizens — Bahá’u’lláh

Local Bahá'í News

Indianapolis Assembly Attends Special Visit at National

On the weekend of March 24-26, the Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Indianapolis had the honor of attending a special visit at National in Wilmette, Illinois with eight other Assemblies from throughout the nation. Assembly members deepened on important topics, prayed for their communities, visited with the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, and attended a memorial service for Fred Schecter, a lifelong devoted Baha'i pioneer.

April 3 Race Discussion Series Features Personal Experience with Prejudice

Olon Dotson, Associate Professor, Ball State University College of Planning and Architecture, grew up in Indianapolis in the 70’s. He shared a recent experience of the arrest of his son in New Orleans because he happened to be the wrong color in the wrong part of town while innocently trying to re-connect with a group of visiting students. To solve the problem was long and thorny.

A Baha'i Perspective on Politics

"Bahá’ís do not seek political power. They will not accept political posts in their respective governments, whatever the particular system in place, though they will take up positions which they deem to be purely administrative in nature. They will not affiliate themselves with political parties, become entangled in partisan issues, or participate in programmes tied to the divisive agendas of any group or faction. At the same time, Bahá’ís respect those who, out of a sincere desire to serve their countries, choose to pursue political aspirations or to engage in political activity.

January 2 Race Discussion Series Engages with the Ten Point Coalition

At the Race Unity Discussion Series on Monday, January 2, 2017, Greg Wilson spoke about the Ten Point Coalition.The vision of this organization is to bring the faith community, community leaders, businesses, law enforcement, and the court system to address critical issues in the community such as violence, chronic unemployment, and lack of education.


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